Thursday, February 5, 2009

dll does not represent a strongly named assembly

Problem: When we try to use the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe) to sign assemblies with strong names, we get the error "dll does not represent a strongly named assembly"

Solution: You need to specify a strong name key file before you can use the command prompt "sn.exe". For this, go to Project Properties -> Signing and tick the 'Sign the assembly'. From the drop down select the '...' option and create a new file. Once you this, build your project again and now you will be able to use the 'sn.exe' without any problem.


  1. That Was awesome...

    Great Post

  2. the drop down select the '' option and create a new file.

    You need to change the greater than and less than to be ampersand gt semi-colon and ampersand lt semi-colon
